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Hi fellow golddiggers!
If you didnt make the Golden Sunlight trip im sorry you couldnt make it. We didnt get to see a pour but we did get to see the big pit and a new one that they have not let many people see. We also got to go through the plant but it was real noisy and hard to hear our guide. But it was very interesting. They are certainly an economic plus for the community and are committed to being environmentaly friendly. There were 18 of us that showed up for the tour. Thanks to Richard for setting up the trip. Richards wife Tony also re-negotiated the x-mas dinner at the Holiday Inn. We will be having prime rib and chicken similar to last years dinner but for a reduced price of 22.00. We are asking for 25.00 to help cover the gratuity. Please prepay your dinner by sending a check to Headwaters GPAA box 11 manhattan 59741. At least let me know if you are coming so we can get the numbers to the caterer. Hope to see you the 10th of dec. at 6:00!